The Martindale MPATSUITE PAT Software is designed as a complete PAT management software package.
The Martindale MPATSUITE PAT Software is designed as a complete PAT management software package, which can be used to download data from the Martindale MicroPAT Plus, or as a standalone package.
Designed to make your job easier, Martindale MPATSUITE PAT Software has powerful Group and Sort options giving you more control when displaying your test data on screen. Appliance and Location abbreviations also help to speed up testing in the field; For example, entering KE on the PAT Tester will result in the software displaying KETTLE. Abbreviations are completely user definable and can be printed out for quick reference. Abbreviations are only replaced if the user chooses the Replace Abbreviations option from within the software.
Another great feature of the Martindale MPATSUITE PAT Software is the Bulk Replace and Bulk Replace Selected, this allows the user to easily make sweeping changes to all information relating to Appliances, such as Site, Location, User and Retest Period etc.
A Validate feature will check the file for missing data, prompting the user to add any information that may be missing, along with a spell check. All the test information is then clearly displayed on screen, with all test results.
Microwave Leakage and RCD test results can be manually added to any appliance, with dedicated reports that can either be printed or exported showing these test results.
Printing and Exporting your Test Data
Martindale MPATSUITE PAT Software has over 17 Reports are included as standard and an option of adding custom designed reports. All Reports can either be printed, or if digital versions are required, they can also be exported in Word, Excel, TIFF, HTML, Text and PDF formats.
The Print Sequence Feature speeds up the process of printing out multiple reports, by adding reports to the list, it will then print the selected reports in sequence. Additional options include printing reports to multiple printers and export as PDF. Once set, the print sequence is also saved for next time.
Martindale MPATSUITE PAT Software can automatically generate detailed Invoices if price and repair information is present in the file. This means that invoices can be sent out just minutes after downloading and validating the test data.
Price and repair information (Codes) can also be added/edited manually from the main screen, or added using the Bulk Replace Feature, this would normally be used if the information has not been entered into the PAT Tester at the time of testing.
Other options include; Auto increment Invoice Number, Extra Charges i.e. Travel to Site, User Defined Price and Repair schemes, Discount, Fixed Price and a Calculator. Invoices can be Printed or Exported in the same manner as all other Reports.
User defined price and repair information can be generated, giving the flexibility of maintaining different pricing structures. Useful if you charge different rates for different customers.
Martindale MPATSUITE PAT Software is compatible with Windows 2000, XP Home, XP Pro, Vista & Windows 7.
Contact us for further information regarding Martindale MPATSUITE PAT Software